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tv   KPIX 5 News Saturday Morning Edition  CBS  May 18, 2013 7:00am-8:01am PDT

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thousands of trees set to be chopped down at a college campus... on the governmen' dime. why many people in the area say -- go for it. "[sot super: j thousands of trees set to be chopped down at a college campus on the government's dime. why some people in the area say go for it. >> what can i say? the land is messed up. >> fans who have survived the highs and lows of of the sport. >> we'll break down where you may strike it rich with a list of the luckiest stores. there's no need for you to buy your ticket because i bought mine and it has the winning numbers. >> and you're going to share it? >> absolutely. we're starting out most ly
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ly sunny skies. outsidely ssh mostly sunny skies. we'll get to 80 degrees. the forecast coming up. first let's get the latest from ann. the cal campus is going to sound like a buzz with thousands of chain saws. surprisingly, many people are happy to see them go. even more surprising is who wants to keep the fire friendly trees around. >> they line the berkeley and oakland hills towards grizzly peak. now this forest of threes is on the chopping block, literally. uc berkeley is asking for federal grants to wipe out 47,000 trees. tom clat says they're dangerous. >> they are the primary trees that carry fast moving wild fires and send burning ambers into the community.
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>> the university is asking fema for $1.5 million they would match to complete the project. they started cutting down these trees in strau in 2001. 19,000 are already gone. in their place, shorter trees. >> you need to cut down that many trees? >> in order to achieve the fire safety, we do. >> and to avoid a repeat of the fire storm of 1991 that burned more than 1,500 acres and killed 25 people. >> i think it's a great idea. i almost lost my house in the fire of '91. you know, they are dangerous. they're beautiful but dangerous. >> i think that we always have to save the trees. >> there's no correlation between native and fire or non-native and fire. all trees will burn. >> dan gresetti says three of their five board members lost their homes in the 199 fire
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storm but oppose the elimination of these trees. >> we think if the objective is really fire risk mitigation different methods would be used. >> line thinning the trees, getting rid of the understorage. hcn threatens to sue to stop the plan. if it continues what happens to all that wood? >> all the biomass stays on site. most of it becomes chips and it's used to suppress the regrowth. it's used for erosion control. >> a final public meeting on the project will be held by the federal emergency management agency this morning that starts at 10:00 at clairmont middle school in oakland. oakland police department will reinstate two officers to their former ranks after an arbitrator over turned their publicishments. richard or os
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ko will become a captain and chris per marata will be a lieutenant. an arbitrator said senior level management decisions were partly to blame. in other news around the bay, a stand off in newark ends with an arrest. a man barricaded himself inside a home. when police got there he started shooting at them. an hour and a half later officers went in and got him. the suspect suffered minor injuries. operations at the port of oakland have shut down temporarily after a fatal accident. a port worker died after a piece of machinery knocked his truck into the bay. he was under water for more than a half an hour yesterday afternoon before divers go -- got to work. work has the wort has been suspended until today. suspects have been arrested in an 880 freeway shooting that left two peopl dead.
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that happened thursday right right after the warriors games. chris beardon and terrance marks were inside the porch. both men were shot several times. the core began to swerve and terrance was thrown out. he was hit by another vehicle that didn't stop. the gunman also got away. >> i say it like this, gold was there when this happened and i do believe whoever done it will be punished for it. terrance was a good guy. he didn't bother nobody. >> investigators are asking anyone who witnessed the shooting to give them a call. new this morning, a plane had to make a belly landing in newark after its landing gear failed to deploy. the national transportation safety board is sending investigators to the scene this morning. it had 34 people on board. no one one was hurt -- no one was
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hurt. it was circling over newark while pilots tried to get that gear down. am track has suspended service after two commuters trains smashed into each other in new york. more than 60 people are in the hospital. about 700 people were on board. the two trains were on the me railroad in connecticut. one train detrailed just after 6:00. it was hit by a second train going in the opposite direction. >> it appears that one of the trains began derailing as they were approaching each other. >> it seemed like the front of the train got hit the hardest with the left side being ripped open. they got thrown across the train and beat up. >> five people are critical injuries. it's not clear what caused the first train to derail since am track uses the same tracks it has stopped service between boston and new york. the america's cup races will
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go on for now. the italians want changes. the owners of the team said yesterday that he is still committed to racing the new ac-72 yhat. he is asking for new safety precautions and limits on wind speeds. all this following the deadly accident involving a member of the team on the bay last week. the am gent tour of california zips through the east bay starts at 11:30. today cyclists will take on mount diablo. we wish them luck with that. 92 mile route will kick off in livermore and feature morgan territory red. the challenging climb may be more enjoyable thanks to those spectacular views. in the south bay the cyclists completed in the race against the clock. why the tour has a bit of a hang over this year. >> the color and excitement of
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professional road cycling has returned to the bay area. >> i like racing better than ball games. >> i'm watching them on it's -- on tvs but you want to see for real. >> the so-called race against the clock. after doping scandals involving lance arm strong cycling going through its own trials. >> what can i say, lance [beeped] the whole team. >> the sandals have effected the sport. >> it's hurting. it's recuperating. >> the crowd seems smaller this year, tour organizers say cycling still enjoying fan support. >> we always maintain the strictest antidoping policies here. the sport has changed. >> it is the big gest race in the united states in 150 california cities who have asked to start or host the race.
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the fans who have stuck with the sport say they will be back. >> i was watching that 50 years ago and i'm going to watch it until i die. >> fans say their sport is just like other sports that have had scandals involving performance enhancing drugs like baseball. they're hope is the sport hit rock bottom and is on the way up. >> final the is final in san francisco. they cross the golden gate bridge. it is really a huge sports weekend in general in san francisco. we're less than 24 hours away from the start of the breakers race. that's a tradition around here. if you want to join them, you have until today to register and pick up your bib. security is going to be very tight at this year's race. runners without a bib won't be allowed on the course.
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we supposed a complete race guide at your new best friends may be waiting for you at a bay area animal shelter. the new goal for one of the biggest pet adoption events in the country. >> sometimes effectiveness over rides the disgusting factor. >> the next generation of baby toys making the early years easier for little ones and their parents. >> boy, we have a lot going on this weekend, beta breakers tomorrow, oakland is playing tonight and we have a beautiful forecast coming up. for that, we'll have to wait until we take care of a little business. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
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bucks.... you heard it righ a billion dollars. right now it stands at 600- if there's not a powerball winner today the jackpot can go to a billion dollars. you heard it right, a billion dollars.
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right now it's $600 million. that's enough to get people rushing to the stores to grab a ticket or two. >> you're kidding. >> the odds of win ning 1 in 170 million. your more likely to have identical quad dupe lets before winning that jackpot. that is not stopping people from dreaming big. >> give it away. >> all of it? >> pretty much all of it. charity and people who need it . >> oh, i would disappear for about a month, put my son in private school. >> help me family. >> you have a bet ter chance of getting elected president than winning. sorry to burst your bubble if you thought your might. to help your chances, you might want to buy your ticket at these lucky plays.
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that's bought more people in to buy powerball tickets. you can see the list of stores. >> you have a better chance of being the weekend morning weather guy. it happened to me. >> so you did buy your ticket though? >> you know what, i -- to tell you the truth, a friend from out of the country e-mailed me and said would you go buy my a ticket. >> is he going to share with you? >> that was the deal. that was the deal. i said , i'm going to go down and spend $2. i want my cut. $500 million, we could see a buy in palo alto. the sky is the limit. we've got mostly sunny conditions this morning. prospects for a really nice weekend. numbers in the low 50s. they will go up. 52 concord, 51 liver more and at the airport 52 degrees. 44 santa rosa. plenty of sunshine around the bay area. there's going to be plenty of sun in the week ahead. that's why oah has
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reviewed the climate for the western u.s. and has put us in a moderate draught in northern california. a severe draught has been issued for southern california. you know why. we have not gotten a lot of rain lately. as a result, moderate draught. out the door, sunny skies. temperatures in the mid 50s and go up from there. high pressure over the western pacific, sunny and mild weekend with things warming up a little bit for tomorrow. much cooler next week beginning on tuesday as temperatures begin to plumit. for today, sunny and nice. it will warm up tomorrow, peak warmth on monday and then tuesday the numbers will come down. no rain in sight. it just looks like a ma ttress exploded out in the pacific. there's nothing well enough orbing organized. plenty of sunshine
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today and tomorrow. we're going to be looking for 65 degrees in san francisco, 73 in san jose. plenty of sun and 67 degrees tomorrow at rise time. for us sun, sun, sun through next weekend. we will cool it off for the latter half of t week but nothing but clear skies right through next saturday. so enjoy it. it's going to be a great week. >> another beautiful week with end. >> happy. >> thanks. for get one sees and teething rings, the baby product industry is growing up. julie watts on the new breed of baby merchandise many of our parents probably wish they had. >> from snot suckers to teething necklaces, browse a baby boutique and you will hear a familiar -- >> they didn't have that stuff when we were kids. >> parents nationwide are singing the praises of cool new products like the toothing necklace that make the ere willy years a easier.
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>> i don't wear jewelly -- jewel jewel -- jewelry is show couldn't eat it. >> maybe go from moms neck to baby's mouth. then there are products for mom's mouth. >> this seems gross to me. you say you can't keep it on the shelves. >> sometimes effectiveness over rides the disgusting factor. >> you insert one end in the baby's nose and suck the snot. she said it's for sanitary and effective and you don't end up with mu kas in your mouth. >> very handy. >> better than the bull b thing. >> when it comes to better every new mom's breast is best. there are a series of products helping mom breast-feed longer like milk screen. >> a lot of women stop sooner
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because they want to drink a glass of wine. you can be reassured there isn't any alcohol in your milk. >> nancy also recommends the breast pump that allows for hands free pumps. it goes without saying parents have survived for centuries with things like formula mixers that double as cap chee know makers. many parents are happy they don't have to. >> some stuff is excessive. at each age there's things thoor s that are crucial. >> for more information read to time to meet miranda. check out our adoptable pets in our studios.
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we have the biggest event to hit the bay area for bet adoption coming up next. ,,,, ♪ ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] this is a reason to look twice.
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this is a stunning work of technology. the 2013 lexus es and the first-ever es hybrid.
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potatoes and bacon. an emotional reunion betweea marine and a dog he served in afg tony and his daughter stephanie mixing up potatoes. >> we're making something delicious. >> we have mixed finger
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potatoes because they have different colors. >> what else do you have going on? >> we boil the potatoes first. then we put in turkey ball bacon and add garlic and onions. >> not a lot of fat because it's turkey bacon. maybe 3 to 4 minutes and that's it. now you let erg cook. add a little bit of water. >> add a little bit of the potato water. it will create the broth. >> some of the starches release from the potatoes and making that broth taste. look how pretty that looks. i'm going to add the sage. you like the sage? >> yes, i do. >> we're going to put some sage in there. tell me how much. >> keep going. >> keep going? >> this is a sage happy meal day. >> you got it. >> perfect. here we go. >> got it nice and tight. we're going to add a little bit more pasta water in there then i'm going to spice it up. can i spice it up? >> yes, you can. >> red pepper flakes.
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and a little bit of salt, pepper. >> we're all done. >> we're going to plait plate this. >> it can be break fast, lunch, dinner. >> you know what would be nice on top of here too? >> what? >> an egg. >> good job. keep s impressing me all the time. one of the biggest pet adoption events is just around the corner. we are talking about nattie's pet adoptathon. lynn is with nattie join us live with a special friend. tell us about her. >> this is miranda. he's 8 years old. she's a mix at pets unlimited in san francisco and will be available for adoption next week. >> she's been in the shelter system for a while. >> for a few weeks, yes. she's originally from oakland al services. she's been all bathed and done up.
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>> tell us about the adoptathon. it is a win/win, win/win/win. tell us about this. >> the adoption event is on june 1st and 2nd. >> couple weeks. >> four bay area community counties this year. pet adoptions at over 100 locations are free. even though pets are free to adopters, the shelter and rescues are getting pins from nattie's fund, from $500 to $2,000 per adoption . >> a win for the animal a win for the person who gets the animal and a win for the shelter who gets cash. tell us about how this started. it started with a little dog. >> it started with a little miniature snouzer named nattie and her care givers loved her so
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much and had such a wonderful bond with her they made her a promise and said if we ever have financial means wes will give it back so that other people can be as happy with their pets as we are with you. >> suddenly they got rich. >> yeah, they start ed ed the company workday, which he's now the ceo of. yeah, they've given all their financial help to help animals. >> the goal, a no kill nation eventually. >> that's right. we think by 2015 we're going to get there. one of the things we're doing to help that happen is this year we've expanded our adoption event to four other states, including new york city. so all totals we think we're going to be able to adopt 5 or 6,000 animals and dave and sheryl will spend 5 or $6 million in one weekend but it makes them so happy to find homes for wonderful dogs.
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the emphasis is on older dogs and dogs who have been treated for a medical condition. >> a shelter will get more money for -- when they adopt out somebody who might be considered less adoptable. >> right. to get to our no kill nation goal we have to start focusing on these dogs that have been not quite as popular as some of the others. you can see that an 8-year-old dog is a wonderful pet. >> oh, yes. she's very popular with me. i'm sure she's going to get a good home. again, thousands of others will as well. if you want to participate it's going on in a couple of weeks, june 1st and 2nd. there's the counties participating in our area. we will place a link on kpix later on. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> we wish you luck. >> thanks. the things people are willing to do for free teeth cleaning. where people lined up over night for free dental services. we'll be right back.
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,,,, [ male announcer ] citibank's app for ipad makes it easy for ann to manage her finances when she's on the go. even when she's not going anywhere. citi tablet apps. easier banking. standard at citibank.
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helps him deposit his checks. jay also like it when mother nature helps him wash his car. mother nature's cool like that. citibank mobile check deposit. easier banking. standard at citibank. the debate over chopping do the tens of thousands of trees. the cal campus responding fire danger with chain sauce. the debate over chopping down tens of thousands of trees. >> that fire danger increasing this weekend peaking on monday.
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>> powerball dreams might comeg true tonight. the chance of winning that huge jackpot. welcome back. it's 7:30 on may 18th. thanks for joining us. i'm ann. >> i'm bryan. a quick look at the weather showing clear skies around the bay area with just a little hint of patchy low clouds. the numbers begin from the mid 40s to low 50s. they will peak near 80 degrees today. for now let's talk about that cal plan to cut trees. >> uc berkeley is moving ahead with the plan to cut down thousands of trees because of fire damage. more than 19,000 non-native trees have been ir rat kated in strawberry and clairmont canyons. now the university is looking for $1.5 million from fema which the school would match to would match to cut down up to 22,000 more trees.
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>> they are the primary trees that carry fast moving wild fires and send burning embers into the community. >> uc is putting shorter native trees in place like maples and willows. opponents say the better option could be to thin them. fema is going to fold the final public meeting today at clairmont middle school. new this morning, fire crews spent the night battling a fast moving brush fire near los angeles county. look at all that smoke. the fire broke out in the city of castiac. it torched more than 500 acres. a stubborn 4-day-old wild fire has burned more than 4,000 acres. that fire was 55% contained. developing news in asia. today north korea fired three short range missiles into its
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eastern waters. the north fired two miselevators this morning and one in the afternoon to improve range and accuracy with a series of tests. things turned violent at a victory celebration in spain. a madrid soccer team beat another city's rival team for the first time in 14 years in a championship game. fans started celebrating. a parked car was set on fire. riot police were brought in for crowd control. no word on injuries. france joins the growing list of nation to recognize same-sex marriages. the president has signed the bill into law today. it allows gay couples to marry and adopt in france. this country's highest court ruled the bill is constitutional. 9 nations in europe now allow same-sex
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ma>>rriage you have a better chf becoming the president than winning the powerball lottery. that's not stopping millions from trying their luck buying a ticket or two. that's a good thing. as cbs reporter charter evans shows us, a lot of the money is going to california schools. >> the prim valley lotto store is just a few yards in nevada, which is a a powerball state. >> we've been in line for hours. we want to be the next big winners. you can't be a winner if you don't stand in line. >> the odds of winning are 1 in 175 million. california may have already hit the jackpot. last month the state became the largest state to participate in powerball. so far the state has sold $83 million worth of tickets. jeff is with the california lottery. >> how much of a factor is california in these huge
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jackpots? >> we expect to do at least 5% of the over all market share out of the 44 jurisdictions that are involved with powerball. >> this year it's estimated at least $50 million from powerball ticket sales will go to california schools. the rush of players here and in other states is swelling the pot, which has grown by more than $230 million since the last drawing on wednesday. >> what happens if no one wins on saturday? >> it's going to be unchartered territory, that's for sure. >> carter evans, cbs news. >> they say if there's not a winner tonight the jackpot could reach $1 billion. cleanings, fillings and route canals for free. that's why dozens of people lined up in san jose. right now dental services are being offered at no charge for kids and adults. it's a weekend clinic put on by the california dental association foundation.
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it's going on at the san jose convention center south hall. as you can see, got to camp out. it's first come, first served. amgent tour of cyclists rolled into san jose. yesterday they kicked off the 19.6 mile course at the ibm silicon valley lab for a time trial to race against the clock. they headed for the finishline as part of an 8 day event that started in southern california. it ends tomorrow in santa rosa. this morning they're going to take on one of the most challenging parts of this entire race, mount diablo. the 92 mile route is going to kick off in livermore. the challenging climb should be made enjoyable by the views. we are less than 24 hours away from the start of the beta breakers race. you have until today to register and pick up
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your bib. there's going to be tightened security. we have posted a complete race guide at helping kids find a future in music. the campaign to support music education in bay area schools. i really got a lot of insight on what i had done and the pain that i had caused. >> prison inmates face-to-face with the people they hurt the most. meet the man behind the program to stop the violence and start the healing. >> as the rogers and hammer stien said what a beautiful morning. sunny skies, temperatures in the mid 50s. they will warm from there. we have an a even hotter sunday on tap. stay tuned. [ male announcer ] want irresistible chicken made the way you say?
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get to subway now for the oven roasted chicken $3 six-inch select! try it on toasty flatbread with melted american cheese, maybe spice it up with chipotle southwest sauce. still just $3, every day. subway. eat fresh. stithis is the tempur-pedic innovation lab. it's like a front row seat to our latest technologies. here is where our engineers do their constant improving. and now for my favorite part of the tour. [whispers]everyone loves free samples. ♪
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save up to $500 on select tempur-pedic mattress sets and get your best sleep possible. visit to find a store near you.
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[ engine revs ] ♪ [ male announcer ] just when you thought you had experienced performance, a new ride comes along and changes everything. ♪ the 2013 lexus gs, with a dynamically tuned suspension and adjustable drive modes. because the ultimate expression of power is control. this is the pursuit of perfection.
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for the victims of violenced ly reports: a man spent decades working in law enforcement saw there was more he could do for the victims of violence. his efforts to bring hope and healing have won him this week's jefferson award. >> my name is elsa. my son, alberto was murdered in a drive by shooting on january 7th of 2007. >> my name is francia. my son was dante white. he was murdered april the 27th, 2006. >> the names and dates are like open wounds and why they have joined the healing circumstance. . >> our purpose here is to heal, to educate those who aren't educated about what happens to families who experience violence. >> twice a month family members meet at the paradise baptist church in san francisco. they come from cities around the bay
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area, bringing photographs so no one forgets the faces. >> i wanted a place where people can come and not feel judged to not feel that they were alone and lost. >> george's day job is with the san francisco sheriff's office. it puts him in touch with crime victims year after year. he saw them struggling with tragedy long after their stories disappeared from the head lines. >> we're there after a year, two years, 3 years. >> george brings a unique sper perspective. he believes that in order to stop violence the healing has to happen on both sides. george takes the healing circle into jails and prisons to bring crime victims and perpetrators together. >> when the healing circle first came inside we were afraid of them because they thought by were coming in to judge us and bash us.
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>> former inmate henry was serving time he committed as a teenager. he came face-to-face with bay area mothers whose sons were murder. >> my first time going in i was scared. >> within the next 6 months it went from adversary to family. i got a lot of insight what i had done and the pain that i had cause. >> henry was released several months ago and continues to come to the healing circle meetings. >> it really impacts us because we know that we're changing people for the good. >> we were once victims but now we're survivors. >> that's what inspires me, to see families being brought back together and instead of despair there's hope. >> so providing support for those who have been changed this week's award goes to george gerand. kate kelly, kpix 5. >> you can connect with the
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healing circle using the link on click the logo at the top of the page then jefferson awards to find our story on george. around here it is going to be another nice weekend. boy, we are getting spoiled as far as i can remember it's been sunny weekends. >> it's a little bit weird. when the rain shut off month s ago we haven't had that much in terms of fog and the -- no doubt that's not far behind. that's typical summertime stuff. we've had a lot of sunshine, whether he get more this weekend. things are going to be warming up. race time temperature will be around 60 degrees tomorrow. it will warm to an of mid 60s. as one of the runners of the beta breakers it can be freezing on sunday morning. tomorrow is not going to be freezing, it will be nice. san jose 50 degrees, santa rosa at 44. the a's are playing
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tonight. they're playing the royals at 6:05. game time temperature about 65 degrees. it will be pleasant. out the door, sunny skies this morning. temperatures in about an hour in the mid 50s for the most part. then it's just up from there. sunny and mild today. it will warm up on sunday. warmest day of the week is going to be monday. we will cool off on tuesday. low pressure that's up in the gulf will stay parked there for 72 hours. when it dives south northern winds and cooler temperatures.that's on tuesday. today warm and plenty of sunshine. sacramento at 88, fresno at 90, 63 at eureka. partly cloudy skies and 67 at tahoe. 81 fairfield, 78
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livermore, 60 in the city, 73 san jose. for tomorrow, beta breaker 67 degrees afternoon race time temperature. the expended forecast, a lot of sunny side up from the coast inland and now through next weekend. the numbers will cool on tuesday but a pleasant week ahead. enjoy it. have a great saturday. >> you beg to question when you said you ran the beta breakers, so did you run it or dress up and get drunk? >> this is back in the 1930s. we didn't do that kind of thing back then. >> so you ran it? >> i had a very straightforward run. >> all right. a lot of people do the latter. >> i was at time one time a legit problem. this weekend mobile weather heads indoors. the sites and sounds in the schools. >> good morning. today mobile weather came indooo
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fundraiser event. here is scott goldman. good morning. >> good good morning. >> tell us about this . >> we're here to talk about the work of the grammy mown foundation. the grammy foundation sports music programs in high schools all over the country. >> ♪ [ music ] ♪ >> there's been a lot of cut backs in local schools. any music problems existing anymore? >> the support is doing things. you would be surprised what a difference can be made. most public high school music programs operate on just a few thousand dollars a year. take the teachers salary out and it's really only a few thousand dollars. when the gammymy found -- grammy
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foundation they can come in, fix instrur. s. >> ♪ [ music ] ♪ . >> i love your passion. how do we get everybody move involved? >> very simple. go to grammyfoundation on the oe .org. they can make a contribution to help us do our work. >> this is for people who aren't necessarily involved in music directly. >> no. anyone who is a passionate musem ic fan, anyone who believes music is important. i never found anyone who doesn't have a place where music was or is important in their life. anyone can help us do it. >> okay. say that website. >> gram singing for a cause.
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tomorrow everyone is coming together for tim mcgraw's super stars summer nights. >> ♪ [ music ] ♪ . >> tim mcgraw is going to be joined by 14 other acts including taylor swift. each artist picked a charity to receive $10,000. it's called lifting lives. >> it's just going to be a big night of music. lifting lives is just a great charity. that's why everybody is involved. it's for a great cause. i think that's why the artists agreed. >> you don't tell tim mcgraw no. he will whoop your tail. >> you can watch tomorrow night at 9:00 p.m. here on kpix 5. your next partner for mini golf could be this guy. the amazing shots on this makeshift golf course coming up next.
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at the office... an amazingt when you s one employee scored props with his colleagues when he hit a hole in one at the officer. it's an amazing feet when you see how he did it. he took some time to test one of the clubs. just trying to have a little fun and ended up doing this. it took him 8 tries to put the golf ball perfectly down the stair right into that water cup. a very impressive thing. the a's use the long ball to put away the royals. the giants could not hold the lead in colorado. >> good morning. how is the breakfast? how is the coffee? how do you take it in scream, sugar, black? let's go. all right. we've got the giants. last night downtown denver. they led 4-0 and they couldn't choose close. a grand slam by jordan
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pocheco. the rockies winning 10-9. giants committed four errors. the royals shackled the a's until the 7th. in the 8th adam r os ales, that one is not coming back. the a's beat in royals by a final of 2-1. i bet you're awake now. little hockey. sharks later tonight. last night the penguins what a night for super sid. they beat the penguins 4-3. crosby had three goals. that's a hat trick. san francisco native ken venture died yesterday afternoon after a long illness. the '64 champion was 82 years old. in fact, legend has it that he eagled every hole at harding park except the 17th. what do you think of that?
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impressed? yes? no? i am a. everybody have a good day. >> that sounds good. this is what i'm im pressed about, the largest flawless diamond. the perfect stone may be the perfect place to put your money according to some. there it is. wow. this pear shaped diamond weigh g ing more than 101 karats. it sold for $26 million. >> of all the consumer buys it's the most bullet proof purchase you can make. >> even smaller 1 karat diamonds have seen a 30% increase in the past 5 years. i'm drooling. coming up, another look at the top stories, the long lines,
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powerball fever. may what push the jackpot to $1 billion next. ,,,,,,,,
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california continues in thet bay today. yesterday - cyclists took over the souty here's a look at this morning's top stories. the tour of california bike race continues in the east bay today. yesterday cyclists took over the south bay. today it's a 91 mile store ending at mount diablo state park. you can expect delays in that area between 2:00 and 4:00. uc berkeley is close to securing funding to cut down tens of thousands of trees because of fire danger. up to 22,000 trees could be on the chopping block. uc is seeking $1.5 million from fema which this school would then match.
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the powerball jackpot is at $600 million. the drawing is tonight. if there's not winner it will go up to $1 billion. your odds of winning 1 in 175 million. tomorrow on kpix, more security on tap for beta breakers and the tour of california. san francisco police chief said his officers will be ready. >> there's always a knuckle head factor. we try to pick our spots. we'll escort people off that aren't registered and bibbed. everybody wants this to be a safe race. >> the big question to oakland's new top cop who is in charge of the oakland police department, he has his response on kpix 5 this morning. i had a one on one interview with him. our show tomorrow starts at 7:30. one last look at our weather forecast this weekend. looking nice. >> it is looking gorgeous today. a beautiful saturday. tomorrow is going to be nice r.
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we look at the golden gate bridge, see nothing but blue. this hour after the morning that means there's hardly a puff of fog or low clouds. the city chi line is looking nice. haze this afternoon. the numbers today will be warming to near 80 inland, 70s arnold the bay. san francisco mid 60s. it looks like nothing but sun for the entire week ahead. we will cool off on tuesday. between now and then, a nice warm weekend. >> all right. looking forward to it. before we leave you this morning, all hail princess monster truck. an ugly cat is now a star thanks to instagram. here she is. two artists found the princess near their brooklyn apartment. they decided to keep her and said the vet couldn't stop laughing at her during their first visit. the face is common for persian breeds. got to love the name. >> do they do kitty orthodontics. >> at this point she has to keep it, that's her claim to fame. have a good one >> see you tomorrow.
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♪ man: ♪ you and me solve a mystery ♪ with huckle kids: ♪ in busytown! girl: let's get busytown! man: ♪ you and me... kids: ♪ you and me! man: ♪ solve a mystery... kids: ♪ solve a mystery! man: ♪ with huckle kids: hooray for huckle!


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